Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Chippewa Valley Museum and The Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum

Friday, July 29th

Today, we begin our excursions of Wisconsin. We went to the Chippewa Valley Museum and the Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum in the afternoon after class.
First we visited the Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum. We looked around the history room, cook shanty, bunkhouse and etc. In the history room, we also saw a video about lobbing. After this visit I know more about the life of loggers: the job was hard, the living environment was bad.
Then we visited the Chippewa Valley Museum. It consists of two parts. One is in-door, the other is out-door. Various kinds of objects show the changes of the valley. With stereo-movie, we adventures in history of life of people who lived in the valley. The thing which impressed me deeply is Sunnyview School. When I sit in the seat, I felt that I had been in primary school. The school seems as there were still students in the classroom. When the bell rings, students in different grades would come in.

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